Sunday, 10 March 2013

Whanganui Museum Visit

Room 5 travelled to visit the Whanganui Museum with the rest of the Senior Team as a part of our inquiry into Maoritanga. The arts are an important aspect of Maori culture, and we spent time learning about harakeke (flax weaving) and taonga puoro (musical instruments).
Margie showed us how to cut harakeke and weave a putiputi. This is a woven flower which must be given as a gift. We also learned about the various uses of woven harakeke such as catching fish, storing valuables, carrying items, ropes and clothing.
There are an amazing number of different musical instruments used for a huge range of purposes. One of the most important uses was for communication by signalling. Awhina expertly showed us how shells, rocks and totara were used effectively as instruments, and also how koauau and nguru (bone and clay flutes), and putorino (wooden trumpets) were made and utilised.



  1. It was a real pleasure to accompany the senior team to Wanganui Museum today. The children from Halcombe school listened and behaved beautifully, I was very proud of you all.
    I learnt a great deal and feel very fortunate that we are able to still see and learn about such wonderful and important history.

  2. I have had awesome comments about you all from the parents who provided transport and the staff at the museum. Well done everyone. You make me feel very proud.
    I went to the museum in the last holidays, because it was many years since I was there. I loved reading about the early days of Maori in New Zealand and how they coped with life in a new land.

  3. It sounds like you had an awesome trip Room 5 and learnt a lot. We look forword to seeing your harakeke in buddy class! From Room 2

  4. Thanks Halcombe School for taking the kids to a great place of learning!!

  5. Sounds like you all had a great day and learnt a lot. Maybe your children could teach Room 3 how to do flax weaving! We're having a practice with paper tomorrow, but will try with flax next week.
