Monday, 25 February 2013


Room 5 have commenced our investigation into Maoritanga. We thought a great way to start would be to learn about hongi.

What is a hongi?
  • Hongi is a  traditional Maori greeting
  • It is a way of showing we are 'one' with people and nature
  • In the hongi we exchange 'ha' - the breath of life
How do we hongi?
  • We link hands or place our hand on the other person's shoulder
  • We press our noses and foreheads together
  • We close our eyes, relax, smile and breathe
Who can hongi?
  • Anyone!


  1. When Room 5 practised our hongi we had to get into partners. It was very hard to keep serious because we were embarrased.

  2. Thank you Room 5. I really enjoy learning about all these interesting customs from you.
