Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Taumata O Te Ra Marae Visit

Today Room 5 took part in the school visit to Taumata O Te Ra marae. We were greeted by George Kereama, an elder of the Ngati Manomano hapu, and welcomed onto the marae.

Inside the wharenui, George explained to us the origins of the marae and the meaning behind the fantastic carvings, tukituki panels and painted kowhaiwhai.

We are very fortunate to have been invited back to stay overnight at the Marae later this term. Here are some pictures from the visit...



  1. What a ataahua marae Taumata o te ra is. Tu meke Rm 5 you looked like you all enjoyed your visit. I certainly learnt a bit about a different marae. Your next visit and sleep over will be awesome.

  2. I really enjoyed going to the Marae. It was interesting!

  3. Hi room 5. I've been lookng through your blog and seen all the fantastic things you've bee doing so far this term. I really like seeng all the photos of all the activites and especially the art work.
    Your very fortunate to have so many wonderful and exciting experiences at school, it was very different when I went to school and the way we learnt.
    I look forward to seeing more of what youve all been up to here on your blog. It looks and sounds like 2013 is going to be a great year!!

  4. I'm glad you enjoyed our trip to the marae Room 5, I know my class did too. It was the perfect start to our Maoritanga unit!

  5. I hope you guys had fun.
